Students convince authorities to rebuild poor classrooms and unfinished toilets in Luberizi
Educational infrastructure in the village of Luberizi do not meet the minimal standards of the Ministry of Education. Many children are forced to study in debilitated classrooms, with inadequate teaching materials and lacking sanitation facilities.
To improve the situation, In October 2017, Centre de Recherche sur l’Anti-Corruption launched the Integrity Club at Institut Luberizi to promote transparency and effectiveness of education service benefiting over 150 schoolchildren. Integrity Clubs are spaces that bring together students engaged in promoting integrity. From 14 years, students met together to share activities and discussions around the concept of integrity and good governance. Once these values are reinforced, students become young community monitors and play an active role in the promoting integrity in their communities.
When the monitors evaluated the performance of their school on 25 May 2018, they discovered that the school facilities are dirty and dangerous. This mean that the school building’s walls had cracks and could collapse on the students at any time. Also, sanitation facilities did not have roofs and doors. The classes were unfit and filled with cobwebs and were not regularly swept.
In July 2018, the community monitors convened a joint working group meeting with all key stakeholders included the school authorities to discuss these issues. All aware, they agreed to rehabilitate the school building and toilets in September 2018 before the start of the next school year.

In early September 2018, work began and consisted of the rehabilitation of 6 classrooms, a bloc of 3 toilets and the installation of a 5000-liter water tank.
Thanks to the constructive engagement of the instructors and all the stakeholders, the students can no longer used the surrounding household’s toilets and the classrooms have become safe.