138 school principals and 278 teachers trained on integrity building and anti-corruption measures in the school system

In a bold move towards combating corruption and fostering ethical leadership, in 2022, CERC took a significant step by training 138 school principals and 278 teachers from 150 secondary schools in South Kivu and Kinshasa. This comprehensive training equips educational leaders with the knowledge, resources, and skills needed to combat inefficiency and corruption within the education system.

Recognizing that institutional change starts at the top, CERC focused on empowering school principals with the tools to instill a culture of integrity within their institutions. Through a series of workshops, these leaders were provided with practical strategies to identify and address corrupt practices, creating an environment that fosters transparency and accountability.

Teachers as Catalysts for Change

Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the minds of the future generations. CERC’s training program targeted 278 teachers, arming them with the knowledge and skills required to be champions of ethical behavior within their schools. This initiative not only ensures that students receive a quality education, but it also serves as a powerful countermeasure against corrupt practices that may have previously hindered their learning experience.

Key Learning Objectives

The training program covered a range of crucial topics:

  • Identifying Corruption Red Flags: Participants learned to recognize signs of corrupt practices within the education system, enabling them to take proactive measures to address and rectify these issues.
  • Promoting Transparency and Accountability: The training emphasized the importance of transparent processes and holding all stakeholders accountable for their actions, fostering an environment of trust and integrity.
  • Advocacy Skills: Principals and teachers were equipped with the advocacy skills to engage with authorities and advocate for improvements in deficient services and infrastructure.
  • Efficient Resource Allocation: The program addressed effective resource management, ensuring that allocated funds are utilized efficiently to benefit the students and the institution.

Looking Ahead

CERC’s commitment to building a future free from corruption in the education sector is unwavering. The success of the 2022 training program is just the beginning of a larger movement towards a more accountable, open, and inclusive education system in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

By empowering school principals and teachers with the tools to combat corruption, CERC is not only ensuring the quality of education for thousands of students but is also sowing the seeds for a new generation of ethical leaders who will carry the torch forward in the fight against corruption.