Strengthening CERC’s capacity on the review mechanism of UNCAC implementation

From 5 to 6 August 2021, a second training to build the capacity of the Anti-Corruption Research Centre (CERC) programme staff on the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) and its review mechanism took place in Kinshasa.

During the two-day workshop organised as part of the production of a civil society parallel report on the implementation of the UNCAC by the Democratic Republic of Congo, 7 staff members attended training sessions on the UNCAC to enhance their knowledge and skills on the role of civil society and its participation in the review process under the convention.

UNCAC is the only legal instrument to fight corruption worldwide. Article 13 of the convention stipulates that States Parties shall encourage the active participation of civil society in the prevention and combating of corruption. In sum, with this training, 7 people were trained and equipped with the necessary tools to enable them to implement the UNCAC and its review mechanism in the DRC.

The 7 participants of the training and the trainers
The 7 participants of the training and the trainers